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Total Questions : 230 | Page 11 of 23 pages
Question 101. The employee evaluation, performance evaluation, performance review and employee rating are all terms used to define
  1.    criterion appraisal
  2.    employee development appraisal
  3.    performance appraisal
  4.    subjective appraisal
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> performance appraisal
Answer: (c).performance appraisal
Question 102. The performance appraisal measurement error, in which the prejudices of rater distort the results of rating is classified as
  1.    rater bias
  2.    halo effect
  3.    contrast error
  4.    sampling error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> rater bias
Answer: (a).rater bias
Question 103. The information type which focuses on the accomplishments of employees is classified as
  1.    trait based information
  2.    behavior based information
  3.    results based information
  4.    coaching based information
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> results based information
Answer: (c).results based information
Question 104. The type of central tendency error occurs while appraising performance, when employee's rating falls at higher side of scale is classified as
  1.    strictness error
  2.    leniency error
  3.    halo effect
  4.    contrast error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> leniency error
Answer: (b).leniency error
Question 105. The forced distribution and ranking are considered as methods of
  1.    comparative methods
  2.    narrative methods
  3.    behavioral methods
  4.    category rating methods
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> comparative methods
Answer: (a).comparative methods
Question 106. The graphic rating scale and checklist are classified as method of
  1.    behavioral methods
  2.    category rating methods
  3.    comparative methods
  4.    narrative methods
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> category rating methods
Answer: (b).category rating methods
Question 107. The benchmarks of job performances are considered as
  1.    subjective standards
  2.    criterion standards
  3.    performance standards
  4.    profitability standards
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> performance standards
Answer: (c).performance standards
Question 108. The performance appraisal error in which the poor performers also gets average rating like well performers is classified as
  1.    recency effect
  2.    primacy effect
  3.    central tendency error
  4.    rater bias
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> central tendency error
Answer: (c).central tendency error
Question 109. The type of central tendency error occur while appraising performance when employee rating falls at lower side of scale is classified as
  1.    halo effect
  2.    contrast error
  3.    strictness error
  4.    leniency error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> strictness error
Answer: (c).strictness error
Question 110. The third step in process of management by objectives is to
  1.    review job and agreement
  2.    develop performance standards
  3.    guided setting of objective
  4.    ongoing performance discussion
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> guided setting of objective
Answer: (c).guided setting of objective

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