Sail E0 Webinar
  1. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 12.5% and the width is decreased by 10% what per cent change occurs in the area?

A .  1.15 % increase
B .  1.15 % Decrease
C .  2.15 % increase
D .  2.15 % Decrease
Answer: Option A

Let the width of the rectangle be 'w' and the length be 'l'.
Before the changes, the area of the rectangle = w x l
After the changes, the length of the rectangle is increased by 12.5%, i.e. l' = 1.125l
The width of the rectangle is decreased by 10%, i.e. w' = 0.9w
Therefore, the area of the rectangle after the changes = w' x l'
= 0.9w x 1.125l
= 1.0125wl
Change in the area of the rectangle = (1.0125wl - wl) / wl
= 0.0125
Percentage change in the area of the rectangle = 0.0125 x 100
= 1.15 % Increase

Area of a rectangle = Length x Width
The length of the rectangle is increased by 12.5% and the width is decreased by 10%
Therefore, the Area of the rectangle after the changes = 0.9w x 1.125l
Change in the area of the rectangle = (1.0125wl - wl) / wl
Percentage change in the area of the rectangle = 0.0125 x 100 = 1.15 % Increase

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