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  1. A customer saves Rs 15 when a discount of 20% on the marked price is offered. Find the price at which the article is sold.

A .  Rs 40
B .  Rs 50
C .  Rs 60
D .  Rs 70
Answer: Option C
To solve the problem, we can use the formula for calculating the discounted price of an item:
Discounted Price = Marked Price - (Discount Rate x Marked Price)
where the discount rate is expressed as a decimal.
Let's use this formula to solve the problem. We are given that a customer saves Rs 15 when a discount of 20% on the marked price is offered. Let's denote the marked price by x.
We know that the discount is 20%, which means the discount rate is 0.2. So, using the formula, we have:
Discounted Price = x - (0.2x)Discounted Price = 0.8x
We are also given that the customer saves Rs 15. This means that the difference between the marked price and the discounted price is Rs 15. So, we have:
x - 0.8x = 150.2x = 15x = 75
Therefore, the marked price of the item is Rs 75. However, we need to find the price at which the item is sold, which is the discounted price. So, we use the formula we derived earlier:
Discounted Price = 0.8x = 0.8(75) = Rs 60
Hence, the correct answer is option C: Rs 60.
In summary, to solve the problem, we used the formula for calculating the discounted price of an item and set it equal to the difference between the marked price and the discounted price. Then, we solved for the marked price and used it to calculate the discounted price, which is the price at which the item is sold.If you think the solution is wrong then please provide your own solution below in the comments section .

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Let marked price be x
Selling price = x - (20/100)x
Savings = marked price - selling price
x - (x - (20/100)x)) = 15
Therefore marked price = Rs. 75
Selling price or money paid by the customer = 75 - (20/100) 75 = Rs 60
Remember, discount is always calculated on marked price
Discount% = Discount/MP * 100
20 = 15/MP * 100
MP = 1500/20
MP= 75
Now, Selling price = MP - Discount
Thus, Selling price = 75-15 = 60
Hence, the customer will have to pay Rs 60 for the article. So option C is correct.
20% =15
1% =15/20
1% =•75
20% =15
1% =15/20
1% =•75
Thanks from Sahil Kaul and Rohit chadha

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