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  1. A merchant purchased 5 quintals of sugar for Rs 2900 and spent Rs 45 on transport, 5 paise per kg as octroi duty and Rs 30 as coolie charges. He sold the sugar at Rs 6.30 per kg. What was his gain per cent?

A .  5%
B .  6%
C .  7%
D .  8%
Answer: Option A

Let the cost price of sugar be Rs X.

We can calculate the cost price, X, using the given information:

Cost price, X = (5 quintals × 100 kg/quintal) × Rs 2900 + Rs 45 + (5 paise/kg × 500 kg) + Rs 30

X = (500 × 2900) + 45 + (5 × 500) + 30

X = Rs 14,500 + 45 + 2500 + 30

X = Rs 17,075

Now, we can calculate the selling price of the sugar, Y, using the given information:

Selling price, Y = (5 quintals × 100 kg/quintal) × Rs 6.30

Y = (500 × 6.30)

Y = Rs 3,150

Now, we can calculate the gain, G, using the formula:

Gain, G = (Selling price Cost price) × 100

G = (Y X) × 100

G = (3150 17075) × 100

G = -14,925 × 100

G = -5%

Therefore, the gain per cent is 5%.

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