Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 43 | Page 4 of 5 pages
Question 31.

What will be the output of the program?

#define SWAP(a, b) int t; t=a, a=b, b=t;
int main()
int a=10, b=12;
SWAP(a, b);
printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
  1.    a = 10, b = 12
  2.    a = 12, b = 10
  3.    Error: Declaration not allowed in macro
  4.    Error: Undefined symbol 't'
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> a = 12, b = 10

The macro SWAP(a, b) int t; t=a, a=b, b=t; swaps the value of the given two variable.

Step 1: int a=10, b=12; The variable a and b are declared as an integer type and initialized 

to 10, 12 respectively.

Step 2: SWAP(a, b);. Here the macro is substituted and it swaps the value to variable a and b.

Hence the output of the program is 12, 10.

Question 32.

What will be the output of the program?

#define PRINT(int) printf("int=%d, ", int);
int main()
int x=2, y=3, z=4;
return 0;
  1.    int=2, int=3, int=4
  2.    int=2, int=2, int=2
  3.    int=3, int=3, int=3
  4.    int=4, int=4, int=4
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> int=2, int=3, int=4

The macro PRINT(int) print("%d,", int); prints the given variable value in an integer format.

Step 1: int x=2, y=3, z=4; The variable x, y, z are declared as an integer type and initialized

 to 2, 3, 4 respectively.

Step 2: PRINT(x); becomes printf("int=%d,",x). Hence it prints 'int=2'.

Step 3: PRINT(y); becomes printf("int=%d,",y). Hence it prints 'int=3'.

Step 4: PRINT(z); becomes printf("int=%d,",z). Hence it prints 'int=4'.

Hence the output of the program is int=2, int=3, int=4.

Question 33.

What will be the output of the program?

#include<stdio.h>#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x)
#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x)
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = CUBE(b++);
printf("%d, %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
  1.    9, 4
  2.    27, 4
  3.    27, 6
  4.    Error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 27, 6

The macro function CUBE(x) (x*x*x) calculates the cubic value of given number(Eg: 103.)

Step 1: int a, b=3; The variable a and b are declared as an integer type and varaible b id

 initialized to 3.

Step 2: a = CUBE(b++); becomes

=> a = b++ * b++ * b++;

=> a = 3 * 3 * 3; Here we are using post-increement operator, so the 3 is not incremented in

 this statement.

=> a = 27; Here, 27 is store in the variable a. By the way, the value of variable b is incremented 

by 3. (ie: b=6)

Step 3: printf("%d, %d`setminus`n", a, b); It prints the value of variable a and b.

Hence the output of the program is 27, 6.

Question 34.

What will be the output of the program?

#define SQR(x)(x*x)
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = SQR(b+2);
printf("%d\n", a);
return 0;
  1.    25
  2.    11
  3.    Error
  4.    Garbage value
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 11

The macro function SQR(x)(x*x) calculate the square of the given number 'x'. (Eg: 102)

Step 1: int a, b=3; Here the variable a, b are declared as an integer type and the variable b

 is initialized to 3.

Step 2: a = SQR(b+2); becomes,

=> a = b+2 * b+2; Here SQR(x) is replaced by macro to x*x .

=> a = 3+2 * 3+2;

=> a = 3 + 6 + 2;

=> a = 11;

Step 3: printf("%d`setminus`n", a); It prints the value of variable 'a'.

Hence the output of the program is 11

Question 35.

What will be the output of the program?

#define SQUARE(x) x*x
int main()
float s=10, u=30, t=2, a;
a = 2*(s-u*t)/SQUARE(t);
printf("Result = %f", a);
return 0;
  1.    Result = -100.000000
  2.    Result = -25.000000
  3.    Result = 0.000000
  4.    Result = 100.000000
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Result = -100.000000

The macro function SQUARE(x) x*x calculate the square of the given number 'x'. (Eg: 102)

Step 1: float s=10, u=30, t=2, a; Here the variable s, u, t, a are declared as an floating point 

type and the variable s, u, t are initialized to 10, 30, 2.

Step 2: a = 2*(s-u*t)/SQUARE(t); becomes,

=> a = 2 * (10 - 30 * 2) / t * t; Here SQUARE(t) is replaced by macro to t*t .

=> a = 2 * (10 - 30 * 2) / 2 * 2;

=> a = 2 * (10 - 60) / 2 * 2;

=> a = 2 * (-50) / 2 * 2 ;

=> a = 2 * (-25) * 2 ;

=> a = (-50) * 2 ;

=> a = -100;

Step 3: printf("Result=%f", a); It prints the value of variable 'a'.

Hence the output of the program is -100

Question 36.

What will be the output of the program?

#define MAN(x, y) ((x)>(y)) ? (x):(y);
int main()
int i=10, j=5, k=0;
k = MAN(++i, j++);
printf("%d, %d, %d\n", i, j, k);
return 0;
  1.    12, 6, 12
  2.    11, 5, 11
  3.    11, 5, Garbage
  4.    12, 6, Garbage
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 12, 6, 12

The macro MAN(x, y) ((x)>(y)) ? (x):(y); returns the biggest number of given two numbers.

Step 1: int i=10, j=5, k=0; The variable i, j, k are declared as an integer type and initialized to

 value 10, 5, 0 respectively.

Step 2: k = MAN(++i, j++); becomes,

=> k = ((++i)>(j++)) ? (++i):(j++);

=> k = ((11)>(5)) ? (12):(6);

=> k = 12

Step 3: printf("%d, %d, %d`setminus`n", i, j, k); It prints the variable i, j, k.

In the above macro step 2 the variable i value is increemented by 2 and variable j value is 

increemented by 1.

Hence the output of the program is 12, 6, 12

Question 37.

In which stage the following code 
gets replaced by the contents of the file stdio.h

  1.    During editing
  2.    During linking
  3.    During execution
  4.    During preprocessing
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> During preprocessing

The preprocessor replaces the line #include <stdio.h> with the system header file of 

that name. More precisely, the entire text of the file 'stdio.h' replaces the #include directive.

Question 38.

What will the SWAP macro in the following program be expanded to on
preprocessing? will the code compile?

#define SWAP(a, b, c)(c t; t=a, a=b, b=t)
int main()
int x=10, y=20;
SWAP(x, y, int);
printf("%d %d\n", x, y);
return 0;
  1.    It compiles
  2.    Compiles with an warning
  3.    Not compile
  4.    Compiles and print nothing
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Not compile

The code won't compile since declaration of t cannot occur within parenthesis.

Question 39.

What will be the output of the program?

#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x)
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = CUBE(b++);
printf("%d, %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
  1.    9, 4
  2.    27, 4
  3.    27, 6
  4.    Error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 27, 6

The macro function CUBE(x) (x*x*x) calculates the cubic value of given number(Eg: 103.)

Step 1: int a, b=3; The variable a and b are declared as an integer type and varaible b id initialized to 3.

Step 2: a = CUBE(b++); becomes

=> a = b++ * b++ * b++;

=> a = 3 * 3 * 3; Here we are using post-increement operator, so the 3 is not incremented in this statement.

=> a = 27; Here, 27 is store in the variable a. By the way, the value of variable b is incremented by 3. (ie: b=6)

Step 3: printf("%d, %dn", a, b); It prints the value of variable a and b.

Hence the output of the program is 27, 6.

Question 40.

What would be output of the program ?

#define X 5+2
void main()
int i;
i = X*X*X;

  1.    343
  2.    27
  3.    133
  4.    Compiler Error
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 27

As we know #define is a token pasting preprocessor it only paste the value of micro constant in the program, before the actual compilation start.
So pasting 5+2 in place of X, we have
i = 5+2*5+2*5+2
 = 5+10+10+2
= 27

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