Sail E0 Webinar

Reasoning Aptitude


Total Questions : 271 | Page 3 of 28 pages
Question 21. Find the missing number?
  1.    22
  2.    24
  3.    36
  4.    19
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Answer: Option A. -> 22
For First Circle:
Left segment element * right segment Element - 3 = Lower number
3 *7 - 3 = 18.
For Second Circle:
Left segment element * right segment Element - 4 = Lower number
8 *2 - 4 = 16.
For Third Circle:
Left segment element * right segment Element - 5 = Lower number
x = 9 *3 -5
x = 22.
Missing number = 22.
Question 22. Find the missing number?
  1.    12
  2.    7
  3.    10
  4.    3
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Answer: Option B. -> 7
Logic (Row-wise):
Element at Middle = Difference of two left element + difference of two right element.
x = 5 - 1 + 4 -1
x = 4 + 3
x = 7.
Missing number = 7.
Question 23. Find the missing number?
  1.    16
  2.    4
  3.    9
  4.    7
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Answer: Option D. -> 7
The inner digit in each segment equals the sum of the two numbers in the outer part of the opposite segment.
2 +x = 9
x = 7.
Missing number = 7.
Question 24. Find the missing number?
  1.    9
  2.    0
  3.    1
  4.    3
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Answer: Option B. -> 0
In each row of each grid, multiply the left and right hand numbers together to give a digit value, and write this value in the two centre boxes.
Central Element in last box = 6 * 5 = 30.
Missing element = 0.
Question 25. Find the missing number?
  1.    3
  2.    1
  3.    4
  4.    7
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Answer: Option C. -> 4
Lower Element = Top element - left element - right Element
x = 12 - 5 - 3
x = 4.
Missing number = 4.
Question 26. Find the missing number?
  1.    1
  2.    3
  3.    5
  4.    8
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Answer: Option C. -> 5
Central Element = Sum of the left column element - sum of the right column element.
x = 4 + 8 +2 - 5 + 1 + 3
x = 5.
Missing Number = 5.
Question 27. Find the missing number?
  1.    7
  2.    1
  3.    8
  4.    6
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Answer: Option A. -> 7
Reading each row of the diagram as a series of 3 digit numbers, the center 3 digit number equals either the sum of the top 2 numbers or the sum of the lower 2 numbers.
Sum of top two numbers
179 + 363 = 542
Sum of lower two numbers
275 + 26X = 542
26X = 542 - 275
26X = 267
X = 7
Missing number = 7
Question 28. Find the missing number?
  1.    1
  2.    8
  3.    3
  4.    6
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Answer: Option D. -> 6
Central Element = (Sum of other 4 element)/4
(x + 21 + 16 + 5)/4 = 12
x = 48 - 42
x = 6.
Missing element = 6.
Question 29. Find the missing number?
  1.    3
  2.    11
  3.    17
  4.    21
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Answer: Option B. -> 11
Divide each circle in two equal circle vertically. Now,
Sum of the left hand element in first circle = Top left hand element in middle circle.
3 +2 + 8 = 13
Sum of the right hand element in first circle = bottom left hand element in middle circle.
6 + 9 + 1 = 16
Sum of the left hand element in Third circle = Top right hand element in middle circle.
4 + 5 + 2 = x
x = 11.
Missing element = 11.
Question 30. Find the missing number?
  1.    2
  2.    7
  3.    0
  4.    4
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Answer: Option A. -> 2
Start with the top left hand box, and move around the others in a clockwise spiral towards the centre.
Read each box as a pair of 2 digit numbers, one above the other. The sum of the 2 digit numbers in each box follows the sequence 55, 60, 65, 70 and 75.
43 + 3X = 75
3X = 32 Thus,
X = 2
Missing number = 2

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