Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 302 | Page 22 of 31 pages
Question 211. The group of firm's offer a class of products and substitutes for one another is classified as
  1.    industry
  2.    Corporation
  3.    organization
  4.    subsidiary
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> industry
Answer: (a).industry
Question 212. When the companies have better-trained employees' for the customer services, this differentiation is classified as
  1.    image differentiation
  2.    working differentiation
  3.    employee differentiation
  4.    process differentiation
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> employee differentiation
Answer: (c).employee differentiation
Question 213. If the points of parity and points of difference are not credible of both categories then the brand is
  1.    legitimate player
  2.    not legitimate player
  3.    straddle player
  4.    category point of difference
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> not legitimate player
Answer: (b).not legitimate player
Question 214. The brand association which can be made superior and distinctive relevance to competitor's is classified as
  1.    desirability
  2.    deliverability
  3.    differentiability
  4.    feasibility
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> differentiability
Answer: (c).differentiability
Question 215. The product or set of product which functions are close substitutes is classified as
  1.    competitive membership
  2.    category membership
  3.    position membership
  4.    target membership
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> category membership
Answer: (b).category membership
Question 216. The attributes or benefits associated to overcome the customer's perceived weakness are classified as
  1.    desirable points of parity
  2.    comparative points of difference
  3.    competitive points of parity
  4.    category points of parity
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> competitive points of parity
Answer: (c).competitive points of parity
Question 217. The brand association which can be made because of internal resources and feasible commitment is classified as
  1.    desirability
  2.    deliverability
  3.    differentiability
  4.    feasibility
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> deliverability
Answer: (b).deliverability
Question 218. The benefits or characteristics that customers strongly attribute with the brand are considered as
  1.    points of association
  2.    points of differences
  3.    points of references
  4.    points of positioning
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> points of differences
Answer: (b).points of differences
Question 219. The reliability, innovativeness and resilience are the levels of
  1.    leverage differentiation
  2.    comparative differentiation
  3.    services differentiation
  4.    faster differentiation
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> services differentiation
Answer: (c).services differentiation
Question 220. The differentiability, deliverability and desirability are considered as
  1.    points of references
  2.    points of positioning
  3.    points of association
  4.    points of differences
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> points of differences
Answer: (d).points of differences

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