Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 25 | Page 2 of 3 pages
Question 11. Which of the following helps provide confidentiality to data?
  1.    A secure password
  2.    Encryption
  3.    Nonrepudiation
  4.    Antimalware
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Answer: Option B. -> Encryption
Question 12. Which of the following four passwords is the most secure?
  1.    Boat123
  2.    WTh!5Z
  3.    into*48
  4.    123456
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Answer: Option B. -> WTh!5Z
Question 13. What kind of cyber security risks can be minimised by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?
  1.    Use of insecure Wi-Fi networks
  2.    Key-Logging
  3.    De-anonymization by network operators
  4.    Phishing attacks
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Use of insecure Wi-Fi networks
Question 14. A(n) ____ is a device that captures phone numbers and related information on outgoing phone calls
  1.    ECPA
  2.    pen register
  3.    keylogger
  4.    Trojan horse
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Answer: Option B. -> pen register
Question 15. A cookie that remains until an expiration date is met is:
  1.    session cookie
  2.    secure cookie
  3.    persistent cookie
  4.    super cookie
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Answer: Option C. -> persistent cookie
Question 16. What does a Trojan Horse do?
  1.    Makes the computer stop working
  2.    Attaches inside of program
  3.    Gets full access
  4.    Gets full access
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Answer: Option B. -> Attaches inside of program
Question 17. What is spyware?
  1.    Malware that collects information about you without your consent or knowledge.
  2.    A program that looks through you laptop camera and allows your FBI Agent to see you.
  3.    A program that allows you to become a better spy and gives you tools to spy on your friends.
  4.    none of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Malware that collects information about you without your consent or knowledge.
Question 18. Self-replicating malware is known as a ____
  1.    rootkit
  2.    worm
  3.    macro virus
  4.    logic bomb
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Answer: Option B. -> worm
Question 19. Which of the following statements is true of defenders of belief?
  1.    Their communities do not facilitate activities like sales and marketing.
  2.    They seek conformity and want to convince others of the wisdom of their opinions.
  3.    They are effective for activities that involve innovation and problem solving.
  4.    When confronted with contrary evidence, they change their opinion.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> They seek conformity and want to convince others of the wisdom of their opinions.
Question 20. Which of the following may result in a malware infection?
  1.    Opening an email attachment
  2.    Downloading a file from a website
  3.    Clicking on an infected link
  4.    All of the above
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Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

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