Sail E0 Webinar



Total Questions : 750 | Page 7 of 75 pages
Question 61. Ruchi said that they must have a feast to ________ the victory.
  1.    enjoy
  2.    flaunt
  3.    celebrate
  4.    expand
  5.    forget
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Answer: Option C. -> celebrate
Answer: (c)
Question 62. He ________ to all his friends that he was getting married.
  1.    told
  2.    related
  3.    announced
  4.    called
  5.    spoke
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> announced
Answer: (c)
Question 63. Sadly, tomorrow’s cricket match will have to be ________ due to bad weather.
  1.    played
  2.    un organised
  3.    cancelled
  4.    won
  5.    rained
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> cancelled
Answer: (c)
Question 64. He was ________accept the grudgingly given invitation.
  1.    Not enough sensible to
  2.    Sensible enough to
  3.    Sensible enough not to
  4.    Sensible enough to not
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Sensible enough not to
Answer: (c)
Question 65. Today, as citizens of free India, we ________both our democracy and our secularism.
  1.    promote
  2.    cherish
  3.    establish
  4.    champion
  5.    declare
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Answer: Option B. -> cherish
Answer: (b)
Question 66. He thought the boy ________to benefit the blacksmith.
  1.    wants
  2.    wanting
  3.    desire
  4.    harm
  5.    loose
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Answer: Option A. -> wants
Answer: (a)
Question 67. All jobs are respectable ________ of their nature
  1.    irrelevant
  2.    immaterial
  3.    irresponsible
  4.    irrespective
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Answer: Option D. -> irrespective
Answer: (d)
Question 68. Fourteen kilometres ______ not a short distance, to reach to my office daily.
  1.    are
  2.    has
  3.    have
  4.    is
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Answer: Option D. -> is
Answer: (d)
Question 69. Sincerity is the essential condition of a ________ friendship.
  1.    durable
  2.    highest
  3.    motivated
  4.    flexible
  5.    dynamic
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> durable
Answer: (a)
Question 70. Candace would ______ her little sister into an argument by teasing her and calling her names.
  1.    advocate
  2.    provoke
  3.    perforate
  4.    lamente
  5.    expunge
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> provoke
Answer: (b)To provoke is to incite anger or resentment; to call forth a feeling or action.

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