Sail E0 Webinar

12th Grade > Chemistry


Total Questions : 40 | Page 4 of 4 pages
Question 31. Which of the followings pair does not consist of greenhouse gases?
  1.    Water vapour and CO2
  2.    CO and O3 
  3.    CH4 and Nitrous Oxide
  4.    Chloroflurocarbons and CO2
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> CO and O3 
Except CO, all other gases act as greenhouse gas.
Points to remember:Greenhouse gases - CO2,O3,CH4, Nitrous Oxide and CFC's
Question 32. Which of the following is incorrect?
  1.    Chlorofluorocarbons are responsible for ozone layer depletion
  2.    Greenhouse effect is responsible for global warming
  3.    Ozone layer does not permit infrared radiation from the sun to reach the earth
  4.    Acid rains is mostly because of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Ozone layer does not permit infrared radiation from the sun to reach the earth
Ozone layer does not allow UV radiation from the sun to reach the earth.
Question 33. Which of the followings pair is not present in acid rain (if any one acid in the given pair is not present, then that pair is considered to be not present)-
  1.    H2CO3 and H2SO3 
  2.    HNO3 and H2CO3 
  3.    H2SO4 and H3PO4 
  4.    H2SO3 and H3SO4 
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> H2SO4 and H3PO4 
Acid rain is caused due to reaction of water with gaseous oxides present in atmosphere. As oxides of C, N and S are present in the form of CO2,NOx,SO2andSO3; their corresponding acids are present in acid rain. But H3PO4 is absent.
Question 34. Assertion (A): Classical smog occurs in cold humid climate and it is acidic as well as reducing in nature.
Reason (R): It is a mixture of smoke, fog and sulphur dioxide.
  1.    Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
  2.    Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  3.    A is correct but R are not correct.
  4.    A is not correct but R is correct.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
Classical smog occurs in cold humid climate. It is a mixture of smoke, fog and sulphur dioxide. Presence of SO2makes it both acidic as well as reducing.
Question 35. A brick kiln should not be allowed near an orchard:
  1.    To save plants from soil erosion          
  2.    To save fruits from laborers       
  3.    To save plants from smoke and toxic gases emitted by kiln          
  4.    To save plants from transport vehicles
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> To save plants from smoke and toxic gases emitted by kiln          
SO2gas produced from brick kiln causes death of plants.
Question 36. Excess of which of the followings in drinking water is responsible for disease known as ‘Blue Baby Syndrome’ or ‘Methemoglobinemia’?
  1.    F−
  2.    NO−3
  3.    SO2−4
  4.    Cl−
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> NO−3
The disease ‘Blue Baby Syndrome’ or ‘Methemoglobinemia’ is caused due to presence of excess NO3ion in drinking water.
Question 37. Which of the followings is incorrect? Addition of Phosphate containing fertilizers into water causes –
  1.    Decrease in amount of dissolved oxygen in water.
  2.    Eutrophication
  3.    Increase in fish population
  4.    Enhanced growth of algae
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Increase in fish population
Addition of phosphates in water enhances algae growth. Such profuse growth of algae covers the water surface and reduces the oxygen concentration in water. It inhibits the growth of living organisms such as fish in water. This process of loss of biodiversity is known as Eutrophication.
Question 38. Which of the following pairs is secondary precursors of photochemical smog –
  1.    SO2 and NO2
  2.    SO2 and hydrocarbons   
  3.    NO2 and hydrocarbons   
  4.    O3 and PAN
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> O3 and PAN
Photochemical smog does not contain SO2. Hence we straight away discard options (a) and (b).
NO2and hydrocarbons are primary precursors while O3, PAN, Formaldehyde, and Acrolein are secondary precursor of photochemical smog.
Question 39. Which of the followings is incorrect about photochemical smog –
  1.    It is produced in warm, dry and sunny climate
  2.    It is oxidizing in nature.
  3.    Ozone gas is one of its constituents.
  4.    It is formed in stratosphere.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> It is formed in stratosphere.
Photochemical smog is formed in troposphere not in stratosphere. It is produced in warm, dry and sunny climate. It's main constituents are O3,NO2 and unsaturated carbons. Ozone is formed due to reaction between NO2 and atmospheric oxygen.
Question 40. Green chemistry is the branch of chemistry that involves study of processes and products that minimise the use of _____ substances.
  1.    useful
  2.    hazardous
  3.    microscopic
  4.    eco-friendly
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> hazardous
Green chemistry is the study of science dealing with the development of environment friendly technology. It aims to reduce the use and production of hazardous and poisonous chemicals.

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