Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 14 | Page 2 of 2 pages
Question 11. A deadlock exists in the system if and only if the wait-for graph contains a ___________.
  1.    Cycle
  2.    Direction
  3.    Bi-direction
  4.    Rotation
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Answer: Option A. -> Cycle

CycleEach transaction involved in the cycle is said to be deadlocked.

Question 12. Which of these is data type long literal?
  1.    0x99fffL
  2.    ABCDEFG
  3.    0x99fffa
  4.    99671246
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Answer: Option A. -> 0x99fffL

0x99fffLData type long literals are appended by an upper or lowercase L. 0x99fffL is hexadecimal long literal.

Question 13. Selecting the victim to be rollbacked to the previous state is determined by the minimum cost. The factors determining cost of rollback is
  1.    How long the transaction has computed, and how much longer the transaction will compute before it completes its designated task.
  2.    How many data items the transaction has used.
  3.    How many more data items the transaction needs for it to complete.
  4.    How many transactions will be involved in the rollback.
  5.    All of the mentioned
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Answer: Option E. -> All of the mentioned

All of the mentionedWe should roll back those transactions that will incur the minimum cost.

Question 14. __________ rollback requires the system to maintain additional information about the state of all the running transactions.
  1.    Total
  2.    Partial
  3.    Time
  4.    Commit
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Answer: Option B. -> Partial

PartialIn total rollback abort the transaction and then restart it.

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