Sail E0 Webinar
Why is exposure to X- ray injurious to health but exposure to visible light is not, when both are electromagnetic waves?
A .  X-Rays are radioactive, but visible light is not.
B .  X-Rays are highly energetic, as compared to visible light.
C .  X-Rays are charged rays.
D .  All of the above
Answer: Option B
X-rays are a part of electromagnetic spectrum and they fall in the high energy region of it.
They are not radioactive neither charged, but it is only them being highly energetic that they may affect the chemical bonds inside the body and change certain mechanisms if not destroy them (simply speaking creating mutation in fundamental building blocks of human body as D.N.A.). Medical science calls these types of mutations "Cancer".
That’s why they are harmful.
But don't get scared of becoming some mutilated character next time when you go for an x-ray examination!! The chances of this are very less and the benefits are definitely more (your doctor gets to see your fractures). The cancer may be caused only due to excess exposure to direct radiation.

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