Sail E0 Webinar
Who regulates the slots where the geosynchronous satellites should be placed?
A .  International Telecommunication Union
B .  Glaukosmos
D .  UN Secretary General
Answer: Option A
Answer: (a)
A geosynchronous orbital is a satellite with an orbit that keeps it over the same region of the earth at all times due to an orbital period that is the same as the earth itself (it takes the satellite one day to achieve an “orbit” of the earth).
A special type of geosynchronous orbital is a geostationary orbital, which is a satellite that stays over the same point on the surface of the earth at all times. The UN agency that regulates the use of geosynchronous orbitals is the International Telecommunications Union. Regulation of these satellites is necessary because there are a limited number of places to put them in orbit without the risk of interference with other satellites or collision with space debris.
In addition, the “orbital slots” (where the satellites are placed) over industrialized areas are in much more demand than in lesser developed areas. Slots over lesser developed countries with a location that would give satellite coverage of industrialized countries are also in demand.

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