Sail E0 Webinar
Which of the given statements is incorrect about All-against-all Self-comparison?
A .  A comparison of each protein in the proteome with all other proteins distinguishes unique proteins from proteins that have arisen from gene duplication, and also reveals the number of protein families but the domain content of these proteins cannot be known
B .  In all-against-all proteome comparison, each protein is used as a query in a similarity search against the remaining proteome
C .  In all-against-all proteome comparison, the similar sequences are ranked by the quality and length of the alignments found
D .  In all-against-all proteome comparison, The search is conducted with each alignment score receiving a statistical evaluation (P or E value)
Answer: Option A
Answer: (a).A comparison of each protein in the proteome with all other proteins distinguishes unique proteins from proteins that have arisen from gene duplication, and also reveals the number of protein families but the domain content of these proteins cannot be known

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