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Which of the following topologies is not of broadcast type?

A .  Star
B .  Bus
C .  Ring
D .  All of these above
E .  None of these
Answer: Option C

Broadcast topologies are computer network topologies in which every node on the network receives all data sent from other nodes on the network. The three most common broadcast topologies are Star, Bus, and Ring.

A. Star:
In a Star topology, all nodes are connected to a single hub or switch. All data sent to the hub is broadcast to all nodes connected to it, allowing all nodes to receive the data. This is the most common type of broadcast topology.

B. Bus:
In a Bus topology, all nodes are connected to a single linear bus. Data sent to the bus is broadcast to all nodes connected to it. This is an older type of broadcast topology and is not as commonly used as the Star topology.

C. Ring:
In a Ring topology, all nodes are connected in a circular loop. Data sent from one node is passed around the loop, with each node receiving the data before it is sent to the next node. This is not a broadcast topology as each node only receives the data once, not multiple times like in the Star and Bus topologies.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option C - Ring.

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