Sail E0 Webinar
Which of the following is not true about the heart’s conduction system?
A .  Other muscles receive impulses through the neurons from the brain, but heart produces its own potential
B .  The SA node generates action potentials higher than all the other parts of the conducting system.
C .  The SA node generates specifically 70 action potentials per minute.
D .  If all the other portions of the conducting system other than the SA node, produce action potentials at a much slower rate, it would maintain our heart rate.
Answer: Option D
Although all of the heart's cells have the ability to generate the electrical impulses (or action potentials) that trigger cardiac contraction, the sinoatrial node normally initiates it, simply because it generates impulses slightly faster than the other areas with pacemaker potential, all the other portions of the conducting system other than the SA node, produce action potentials at a much slower rate, it would maintain our heart rate.

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