Sail E0 Webinar
Which of the following is (are) not a tool for Application Prototyping?
A .  Application generators
B .  third generation language
C .  screen generators
D .  report generators
E .  None of the above
Answer: Option B

Answer: B. third generation language


Application prototyping is the development of a model of the user interface of an application.

It is used to test the usability and functionality of the application before the application is fully developed. Application prototyping tools are used to build the prototype quickly and efficiently.

Examples of application prototyping tools include application generators, screen generators, and report generators. Third generation language (3GL) is not a tool for application prototyping, but is instead a type of programming language.

3GL is a type of programming language (such as C or Java) that is written using English-like words and symbols to represent instructions. 3GLs are more complex than first and second generation languages, which are simpler and rely on a series of numbers and letters. 3GL is not used for application prototyping, but is instead used for software development and programming tasks.

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