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Read the below passage carefully and answer the questions:

Five cities all got more rain than usual this year. The five cities are: Last Stand, Mile City, New Town, Olliopolis, and Polberg. The cities are located in five different areas of the country: the mountains, the forest, the coast, the desert, and in a valley. The rainfall amounts were: 12 inches, 27 inches, 32 inches, 44 inches, and 65 inches.

* The city in the desert got the least rain; the city in the forest got the most rain.
* New Town is in the mountains.
* Last Stand got more rain than Olliopolis.
* Mile City got more rain than Polberg, but less rain than New Town.
* Olliopolis got 44 inches of rain.
* The city in the mountains got 32 inches of rain; the city on the coast got 27 inches of rain.

Which city is in the desert ?

A .  Last Stand
B .  Mile City
C .  New Town
D .  Olliopolis
E .  Polberg
Answer: Option E
The city that got the least rain is in the desert. New Town is in the mountains. Last Stand got more rain than Olliopolis, so it cannot be the city with the least rain; also,Mile City cannot be the city with the least rain. Olliopolis got 44 inches of rain. Therefore, Polberg is in the desert and got 12 inches of rain.

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