Sail E0 Webinar
When a portion of public debt falls due, refinancing of public debt is done by:
A .  Extending maturity of debt by raising the interest payable on rate maturing debt
B .  Raising taxes to provide funds to repay the maturing bonds
C .  Selling new bonds and using proceeds to pay off holders of maturity bonds
D .  Print additional paper currency to meet maturing obligations
Answer: Option C
Answer: (c)Refinancing means replacing an existing loan with a new loan that pays off the debt of the old loan. So, when a governments debt (public debt) is due, to refinance it, the govt can issue/sell new bonds to raise money. Alternative definition of refinance: A refinance occurs when an individual or business revises the interest rate, payment schedule, and terms of a previous credit agreement. Debtors will often choose to refinance a loan agreement when the interest rate environment has substantially changed, causing potential savings on debt payments from a new agreement. A refinance involves the re-evaluation of a person or business's credit terms and credit status.

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