Sail E0 Webinar
  1. Two clocks are set correctly at 10 a.m. on Friday. The first clock gains two minutes every hour, which is twice as much as the second. What time will the second clock register when the correct time is 2 p.m. on the following Monday?

A .  2.45 p.m.
B .  2.55 p.m.
C .  3.16 p.m.
D .  3.22 p.m.
Answer: Option C

Let us denote the rate at which the first clock gains time per hour as x and the rate at which the second clock gains time per hour as y.
Hence, x = 2 minutes per hour and y = x/2 = 1 minute per hour.

From 10 a.m. on Friday to 2 p.m. on Monday, the duration is 4 days, i.e. 96 hours.

Therefore, the total time gained by the first clock in 96 hours = x × 96 = 192 minutes.

Similarly, the total time gained by the second clock in 96 hours = y × 96 = 96 minutes.

Therefore, the total time difference between the two clocks after 96 hours = 192 96 = 96 minutes.

Now, at 10 a.m. on Friday, the two clocks read the same time.

Therefore, at 2 p.m. on Monday, the time shown by the second clock will be 2 p.m. plus 96 minutes, i.e. 3.16 p.m.

Hence, the correct answer is Option C - 3.16 p.m.

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