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  1. To 5 litres of 20% sulphuric acid, 5 litres of 100% pure sulphuric acid is added. What is the strength of the acid in the mixture now?

A .  40%
B .  50%
C .  60%
D .  70%
Answer: Option C

The strength of an acid can be measured using the concept of molarity. Molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute present in one litre of the solution.
Lets denote the strength of the 20% sulphuric acid as M1 and the strength of the 100% pure sulphuric acid as M2.
The total volume of the mixture is 10 litres.
The amount of sulphuric acid in the mixture is 5 litres of 20% acid, which is equal to 1 litre of 100% acid.
Therefore, the total amount of acid in the mixture is 6 litres.
The strength of the mixture can be calculated by using the formula:
Mixture Strength = (M1 x Volume of 20% acid + M2 x Volume of 100% acid)/Total Volume
Substituting the values, we get:
Mixture Strength = (20% x 5 litres + 100% x 1 litre)/10 litres
Simplifying, we get:
Mixture Strength = (100 + 10)/10
Therefore, the strength of the acid in the mixture is 60%.
Hence, the correct answer is Option C: 60%.

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In 5L 20% is acid. So 1L is acid. The other one is 100% acid. So entire 5L is acid. If we mix, we get 1+5=6L of acid in 10L mixture. So 60%
5 litres of 10% = 5 * 20 / 100 = 1%
5 litres of 100% = 5 100/100 = 5%
Mixture = 1% + 5% = 6%
10 litres of 6% is => 10 * 6/100 = 3/5 = 60%

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