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  1. 5% people of a village in Sri Lanka died by bombardment, 15% of the remainder left the village on account of fear. If now the population is reduced to 3553, how much was it in the beginning?

A .  4100
B .  4200
C .  4300
D .  4400
Answer: Option D

Let the initial population of the village be x.

Now, 5% of x = (5/100)*x = (x/20) people died due to bombardment.

So, (x - (x/20)) = (95/100)*x = 0.95x people are remaining in the village after the bombardment.

15% of 0.95x = (15/100)*(0.95x) = (0.15x) people left the village due to fear.

So, (0.95x - 0.15x) = (0.8x) people are remaining in the village after the bombardment and fear.

We know, (0.8x) = 3553 (given)

Therefore, 0.8x = 3553

x = (3553/0.8)

x = 4416.25

Hence, the initial population of the village = 4416.25

Rounding off,

Initial population of the village = 4400

Therefore, option D is the correct answer.


Population: Population refers to the total number of people inhabiting a particular place or area at a given time.

Bombardment: Bombardment refers to an action in which a place or an area is attacked with bombs or firearms.

Percentage: Percentage refers to a fraction or ratio expressed as a part of 100. It is denoted by the symbol%.

Let the initial population of the village be x

Then, 5% of x = (5/100)*x = (x/20)

15% of 0.95x = (15/100)*(0.95x) = (0.15x)

So, (0.8x) = 3553

Therefore, 0.8x = 3553

x = (3553/0.8)

x = 4416.25

Rounding off,

Initial population of the village = 4400

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X * (95/100) * (85/100) = 3553
X = 4400

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