Sail E0 Webinar

The following are the criteria for organising the Training Programme of an Institute, in different hotels.

To organise the programme in Hotel Taj, the following criteria must be fulfilled :

(1) The Programme Coordinator should be of the rank of Deputy Director or Joint Director.

(2) The Programme should be in one of these areas --- HRD, Advertising, Computers or Statistics.

(3) The duration of the Programme should not be more than seven days.

(4) The fee per participant should not be less than Rs. 5,000.

(5) The number of participants should be at least 50.

If all the other criteria are fulfilled except ---

(6) the duration of the course is more than seven days --- the programme is to be organised in Hotel Ritz.

(7) the Programme Coordinator is of the rank of Assistant Director, but the fee per participant is more than 

Rs. 7,000, the Programme will be organised in Hotel Try.

(8) the number of participants being less than 50 but more than 30, the Programme will be organised in Hotel 


(9) the fee per participant is less than Rs. 5,000 but more than Rs. 3,500, the Programme should be organised 

in Hotel Sansy.

(10) the Programme is in other than the areas mentioned in (2) above, but the Programme Coordinator is of Joint 

Director level, the Programme should be organised in Hotel Sideways.

          Based on the above criteria and the information provided in each question,

decide about the appropriate course of action. You are not to assume anything.

Dr. Srikant Arya, Joint Director is organising five days programme on Research

Methodology. The total number of participants are 60 and the fee per participant

is Rs. 7,000.

A .  if the Programme is to be organised in Hotel Taj;
B .  if the Programme is to be organised in Hotel Sideways;
C .  if the Programme is to be organised in Hotel Ritz;
D .  if the Programme is to be organised in Hotel Sansy and
E .  if the data are inadequate.
Answer: Option B

Conditions (1), (3), (4), (5) and (10) are satisfied.

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