Sail E0 Webinar
  1. Sujit runs at 6 km/hour and Rana at 8 km/hour. Rana catches Sujit in 9 minutes. What was the distance between Sujit and Rana, when Rana started?

A .  100 m
B .  200 m
C .  300 m
D .  400 m
Answer: Option C
To solve the problem, we need to use the formula:
distance = speed x time
Let's assume that Sujit and Rana start running at the same time. Since Rana catches Sujit, the distance between them is the same as the distance Rana covers during the time it takes to catch up to Sujit.
Let's first convert 9 minutes to hours, as both speeds are given in km/hour:
9 minutes = 9/60 hours = 0.15 hours
Let d be the distance between Sujit and Rana when Rana started running. Then we have:
distance = speed x time
Distance covered by Sujit = 6 x 0.15 = 0.9 kmDistance covered by Rana = 8 x 0.15 = 1.2 km
Let's assume that Rana catches up to Sujit at time t. Then we have:
Distance covered by Rana in time t = Distance covered by Sujit in time t + d
1.2t = 0.9t + d0.3t = d
We know that Rana catches up to Sujit in 9 minutes or 0.15 hours. Substituting this value in the above equation, we get:
d = 0.3 x 0.15 = 0.045 km = 45 m
Therefore, the distance between Sujit and Rana when Rana started running was 45 meters or 0.045 kilometers. Hence, the correct option is C.
To summarize, the solution involves the following steps:
  • Convert the time given in minutes to hours.
  • Use the formula distance = speed x time to calculate the distance covered by Sujit and Rana.
  • Use the fact that Rana catches up to Sujit to set up an equation involving the distance and time variables.
  • Substitute the value of time to solve for the distance between Sujit and Rana when Rana started running
If you think the solution is wrong then please provide your own solution below in the comments section .

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Relative speed= 8-6=2
2×9min÷ 60min = 3/10 km
3000meters÷10= 300metres

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