Sail E0 Webinar

Study the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

Rabies is a disease transmitted to man and animals through the bite of a rabies- infected animal, most commonly 

by dogs. It is caused by a virus present in the saliva of the infected animal which gets deposited in the wound of

 the bite victim, multiplies and travels towards brain and spinal cord. If not treated, about half of such cases

develop rabies. Symptoms of the disease start one to three months after the bite. Veryfew laboratory teste are 

available for the diagnosis of rabies in India. Precautionary measures include prompt washing of the dog bite wound 

with soap and water. The wound is also treated with cetavion : tincture of iodine or spirit.

  • Rabies can be transmitted from any animal to the other through open cuts and wounds.

A .  Data inadequate
B .  Probably true
C .  Probably false
D .  Definitely true
E .  Definitely false
Answer: Option D

The fact directly follows from the given passage.

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