Sail E0 Webinar
Directions (1 - 5): Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions that follow:Out Of The Total Number Of Students Who Opted For The Given ...
Out of the total number of students who opted for the given three subjects in the year 2009, 38% were girls. How many boys opted for Mathematics in the same year?
A .  1322
B .  1332
C .  1312
D .  Cannot be determined
Answer: Option D
Number of students who opted for the given three subjects in the year 2009 is
= 20000 + 20000 + 5000
= 45000
Number of girls = 38% of 45000
= 45000 × $$\frac{38}{100}$$
= 17100
Out of these, the number of boys who opted for Mathematics cannot be found.

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