Sail E0 Webinar

In a bag, there are coins of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. If there is Rs. 30 in all, how many 5 p coins are there?

A .  50
B .  100
C .  150
D .  200
Answer: Option C

Let the number of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p coins be x, 2x, 3x respectively.

Then, sum of their values = Rs. \(\left(\frac{25x}{100}\times\frac{10\times2x}{100}\times\frac{5\times3x}{100}\right) = Rs.\frac{60x}{100} \)

Therefore  \(\frac{60x}{100} =30 \Leftrightarrow \frac{30\times100}{60} = 50\)

Hence, the number of 5 p coins = (3 x 50) = 150.

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