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Find out the error part of the following sentences:
Mr. Thakur lived (1)/in the three-hundred year (2)/ old house (3)/ in Mumbai. (4)/ No error

A .  1 tick.pngcross.png
B .  2tick.pngcross.png
C .  3tick.pngcross.png
D .  4tick.pngcross.png
E .  No errortick.pngcross.png
Answer: Option B

 -  'a' to be used in place of 'the'

The sentence suggests that Mr. Thakur lived in a house that is three hundred years old. However, the correct way to express the age of a house is by using the singular form of "year" as "year" is a unit of time and cannot be pluralized. Hence, the correct sentence would be "in the three-hundred-year-old house".

The correct sentence after correction:

Mr. Thakur lived (1)/in the three-hundred-year-old (2)/ house (3)/ in Mumbai. (4)/ No error

To summarize:

  • The error is in Part 2 of the sentence: "in the three-hundred year".
  • The correct way to express the age of a house is by using the singular form of "year" as "year" is a unit of time and cannot be pluralized.
  • The corrected sentence is "in the three-hundred-year-old house".
  • Hence, the answer is option B: 2.

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piz Boss any
V good
Here,we have to use in 2 nd sentence 'in a' instead of ' in the'
plz explain frds

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