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Find out the error part of the following sentences:
Prince Charles (1)/ is a heir (2)/ to the throne (3)/ of the Great Britain./ No error

A .  1 tick.pngcross.png
B .  2tick.pngcross.png
C .  3tick.pngcross.png
D .  4tick.pngcross.png
E .  No errortick.pngcross.png
Answer: Option B

 -  an will be used instead of a

Definition of Heir: An heir is a person who is legally entitled to receive a share of the deceased persons property.

The sentence given in the question is:

"Prince Charles is a heir to the throne of the Great Britain."

The error in this sentence is in the second part of the sentence, where the word "heir" is used. The correct word to be used in this sentence is "heir" instead of "heir".


Heir is a noun which is used to refer to a person who is legally entitled to receive a share of the deceased person's property. It is an important term in law and is used to refer to a person who is legally entitled to receive a share of the deceased person's property. In this sentence, "heir" is an incorrect word. The correct word to be used here is "heir".

Therefore, the answer is Option B - 2.

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