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Execution of two or more programs by a single CPU is -known as

A .  multi-processing (2) time sharing
B .  multi-programming
C .  multi-user
D .  None ot these
Answer: Option C
Multi-user is the term used to describe a system in which multiple users can access the same computer system at the same time. This system is commonly found in corporate networks, educational institutions, and other large organizations. The main advantage of this system is that it allows multiple users to access the same resources, such as files and applications, without having to manage and maintain separate systems for each user.

Multi-user: Multi-user is a system in which multiple users can access the same computer system at the same time.

Multi-user is different from the other options in that it does not involve the execution of multiple programs by a single CPU. It is simply a system that allows multiple users to access the same computer system at the same time. The main advantage of this system is that it allows multiple users to access the same resources, such as files and applications, without having to manage and maintain separate systems for each user.

Multi-processing and Time Sharing:
Multi-processing and time sharing are two related concepts. Multi-processing is the simultaneous execution of multiple programs by a single CPU. Time sharing is a form of multi-processing in which multiple users can simultaneously access the same computer system. Time sharing is commonly used in corporate networks, educational institutions, and other large organizations.

Multi-programming is the execution of multiple programs by a single CPU. It is a form of multi-processing in which multiple programs are loaded into the CPU's memory at the same time. The CPU then switches between the programs, executing each one in turn. The advantage of multi-programming is that it allows multiple programs to be executed simultaneously, thus increasing overall system performance.

From the above explanations, it is evident that the correct answer is option C - Multi-user. Multi-user is the term used to describe a system in which multiple users can access the same computer system at the same time. It is different from multi-processing and time sharing in that it does not involve the execution of multiple programs by a single CPU. Additionally, it is different from multi-programming in that it does not involve the loading of multiple programs into the CPU's memory at the same time.

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