Sail E0 Webinar
Brandon Stark saw some suspicious activity at the terrace of a tower. When he reached there, he saw some thieves and hurried back to tell his father. Accidentally, he fell from the top of the tower and landed on the ground exactly 2 seconds later. Find the height of the tower. Take g=10 ms2
A .  5 m
B .  10 m
C .  15 m
D .  20 m
Answer: Option D
Brandon experienced a free fall from the top of the tower and, thus, was under the acceleration due to gravity (g).
Distance travelled in 2 seconds is equal to the height of tower which can be found out by applying equation of motion.
From second equation of motion, we have,
where s- height of tower, u- initial velocity, t-time taken and g- acceleration due to gravity.
Since he fell from rest, u = 0
Therefore, height of tower is 20 m.

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