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A computer gathers data, processes it, outputs the data or information and ........... the data or information.

A .  hide
B .  stores
C .  write
D .  delete
E .  set
Answer: Option B
Storing is the process of retaining data or information in a computer system. It is one of the four basic operations of a computer system, which include input, output, processing, and storing. Data or information stored in the computer system can be used at any time and in any form.

Storing Data:
Storing of data or information is one of the major operations of a computer system.
Data or information is stored in the computer memory for later use.
Storing of data can be done in two ways- temporary memory or permanent memory.
Temporary memory stores the data only for a short period of time and is usually used for the processing of the data.
Permanent memory stores the data for longer periods of time and is used for storing the data for later use.
Data stored in the computer memory can be retrieved at any time and used for further processing.
Data stored in the computer memory can also be modified or deleted as per the users requirement.

Advantages of Storing Data:
Storing of data enables the user to use the data whenever required.
Data stored in the computer memory can be accessed by multiple users simultaneously.
Data stored in the computer memory can be modified or deleted as per the users requirement.
Data stored in the computer memory can be used for further processing.
Data stored in the computer memory can be stored for longer periods of time.

Disadvantages of Storing Data:
Data stored in the computer memory can be lost due to power failure.
Data stored in the computer memory can be corrupted due to virus attack or physical damage to the system.
Data stored in the computer memory can be accessed by unauthorized users.
Data stored in the computer memory can be modified or deleted without the users knowledge.

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