Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 63 | Page 7 of 7 pages
Question 61. In selective circuits, the resonant frequency lies in the ________ of the bandwidth frequency range.
  1.    Beginning
  2.    End
  3.    Midpoint
  4.    Cannot be determined
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Answer: Option C. -> Midpoint
Answer: (c).Midpoint
Question 62. Q is a measure of _________
  1.    Resonance
  2.    Bandwidth
  3.    Selectivity
  4.    Either resonance or bandwidth
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Answer: Option C. -> Selectivity
Answer: (c).Selectivity
Question 63. In selective circuits, higher the Q factor _________ the peak.
  1.    Sharper
  2.    Blunter
  3.    Neither sharper nor blunter
  4.    Either sharper or blunter
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Answer: Option A. -> Sharper
Answer: (a).Sharper

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