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Total Questions : 63 | Page 3 of 7 pages
Question 21. In order for high selectivity, the resistance must be?
  1.    Small
  2.    Large
  3.    Negative
  4.    Positive
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Answer: Option A. -> Small
Answer: (a).Small
Question 22. In a series RLC circuit, the phase difference between the voltage across the capacitor and the voltage across the resistor is?
  1.    0°
  2.    90°
  3.    180°
  4.    360°
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Answer: Option B. -> 90°
Answer: (b).90°
Question 23. In a series RLC circuit, the phase difference between the voltage across the resistor and the current in the circuit is?
  1.    0°
  2.    90°
  3.    180°
  4.    360°
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Answer: Option A. ->
Answer: (a).
Question 24. In a series RLC circuit, the phase difference between the voltage across the inductor and the voltage across the resistor is?
  1.    0°
  2.    90°
  3.    180°
  4.    360°
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Answer: Option B. -> 90°
Answer: (b).90°
Question 25. In a series RLC circuit, the phase difference between the voltage across the capacitor and the voltage across the inductor is?
  1.    0°
  2.    90°
  3.    180°
  4.    360°
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Answer: Option C. -> 180°
Answer: (c).180°
Question 26. The current in the capacitor leads the voltage in a series RLC circuit ___________ resonant frequency.
  1.    Above
  2.    Below
  3.    Equal to
  4.    Depends on the circuit
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Answer: Option B. -> Below
Answer: (b).Below
Question 27. The current in the inductor ___________ the voltage in a series RLC circuit above the resonant frequency.
  1.    Leads
  2.    Lags
  3.    Equal to
  4.    Depends on the circuit
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Answer: Option B. -> Lags
Answer: (b).Lags
Question 28. In a series RLC circuit, the phase difference between the voltage across the inductor and the current in the circuit is?
  1.    0°
  2.    90°
  3.    180°
  4.    360°
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Answer: Option B. -> 90°
Answer: (b).90°
Question 29. The current in the inductor lags the voltage in a series RLC circuit ___________ resonant frequency.
  1.    Above
  2.    Below
  3.    Equal to
  4.    Depends on the circuit
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Answer: Option A. -> Above
Answer: (a).Above
Question 30. In a series RLC circuit, the phase difference between the voltage across the capacitor and the current in the circuit is?
  1.    0°
  2.    90°
  3.    180°
  4.    360°
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 90°
Answer: (b).90°

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