Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 63 | Page 6 of 7 pages
Question 51. Find the value of Q if the reactive power is 10W and the average power is 5W.
  1.    10
  2.    5
  3.    2
  4.    1
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Answer: Option C. -> 2
Answer: (c).2
Question 52. Q is the ratio of?
  1.    Active power to reactive power
  2.    Reactive power to active power
  3.    Reactive power to average power
  4.    Reactive power to capacitive power
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Answer: Option C. -> Reactive power to average power
Answer: (c).Reactive power to average power
Question 53. The SI unit for bandwidth is?
  1.    Hz
  2.    Watt
  3.    kHz
  4.    kW
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Answer: Option A. -> Hz
Answer: (a).Hz
Question 54. The energy stored in the inductor is of _________ nature.
  1.    Electrostatic
  2.    Magnetic
  3.    Neither electrostatic nor magnetic
  4.    Either electrostatic or magnetic
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Answer: Option B. -> Magnetic
Answer: (b).Magnetic
Question 55. The maximum magnetic energy stored in an inductor at any instance is?
  1.    E=LIₘ²/2
  2.    E=LIₘ/2
  3.    E=LIₘ²
  4.    E=LIₘ²*2
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Answer: Option A. -> E=LIₘ²/2
Answer: (a).E=LIₘ²/2
Question 56. At resonance, electrostatic energy is ___________ the magnetic energy.
  1.    Greater than
  2.    Less than
  3.    Equal to
  4.    Depends on the circuit
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Answer: Option C. -> Equal to
Answer: (c).Equal to
Question 57. At resonance, the circuit appears __________
  1.    Inductive
  2.    Capacitive
  3.    Either inductive or capacitive
  4.    Resistive
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Answer: Option D. -> Resistive
Answer: (d).Resistive
Question 58. At resonance, the capacitive energy is ___________ inductive energy.
  1.    Greater than
  2.    Less than
  3.    Equal to
  4.    Depends on the circuit
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Answer: Option C. -> Equal to
Answer: (c).Equal to
Question 59. A circuit is said to be selective if it has a _____ peak and ____ bandwidth.
  1.    Blunt, narrow
  2.    Sharp, narrow
  3.    Sharp, broad
  4.    Blunt, broad
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Answer: Option B. -> Sharp, narrow
Answer: (b).Sharp, narrow
Question 60. What is the Q factor of a selective circuit?
  1.    Very low
  2.    Very high
  3.    Zero
  4.    Infinity
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Answer: Option B. -> Very high
Answer: (b).Very high

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