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English > Grammar


Shuffling Of Sentences Part

Total Questions : 1048 | Page 14 of 105 pages
Question 131. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: I was awakened in the night by a noise in the house.
P: I quickly put on my dressing gown and crept downstairs.
Q: In the living room I discovered two burglars breaking into my desk.
R: As I switched on the light I saw that it was 2 o'clock.
S: They were both tall, dark men.
S6: As soon as they saw me standing there, they rushed to the window and jumped out.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    PQRS
  2.    PQSR
  3.    PSRQ
  4.    RPQS
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Answer: Option D. -> RPQS
Question 132. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: It is true we cannot bring about social equality by law and that therefore there are still inequalities in Indian society.
P: In the United States of America, for instance, Negroes have equal rights under the constitution but unfortunately these rights are not always given to them freely by the White majority.
Q: It takes time for people to change their way of thinking.
R: This is a problem common to many countries.
S: It is only when we realise that social equality means not only that men are equal before the law, but also equal in the eyes of god that we can begin to have a completely caste less society.
S6: The secular state as found in India, recognises the importance of religion to the individual by giving him freedom to practice it and tell others about it, within the limits of the constitution.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    RPQS
  2.    RQPS
  3.    SPQR
  4.    SRQP
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Answer: Option A. -> RPQS
Question 133. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: Science means finding out how things actually do happen.
P: He showed that a light object falls to the ground at the same rate as a heavy object.
Q: It does not mean laying down principles as to how they ought to happen.
R: This did not agree with the views of most learned men of that time.
S: The most famous example of this concerns Galileo's discovery about falling bodies.
S6: But Galileo proved his point experimentally by dropping weights from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    PSQR
  2.    QSPR
  3.    RQPS
  4.    SQPR
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Answer: Option B. -> QSPR
Question 134. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: Ms. Subramaniam started a petrol pump in Madras.
P: A total of twelve girls now work at the pump.
Q: She advertised in newspaper for women staff.
R: They operate in two shifts.
S: The response was good.
S6: Thus she has shown the way for many others.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    PQRS
  2.    PQSR
  3.    QSPR
  4.    SQPR
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Answer: Option C. -> QSPR
Question 135. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: Moncure Conway devoted his life to two great objects : freedom of thought, and freedom of the individual.
P: They threaten both kinds of freedom.
Q: But something also has been lost.
R: There are now dangers, somewhat different in form from those of the past ages.
S: In regard to both these objects, something has been gained since his time.
S6: Unless a vigorous and vigilant public opinion can be aroused in defence of them, there will be much less of both a hundred years hence than there is now.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    PQRS
  2.    QSPR
  3.    RSPQ
  4.    SQRP
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Answer: Option D. -> SQRP
Question 136. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: Human ways of life have steadily changed.
P: From that time to this, civilisation has always been changing.
Q: About ten thousand years ago, man lived entirely by hunting.
R: Ancient Egypt-Greece-the Roman Empire-the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages - the Renaissance-the age of modern science and of modern nations one has succeeded the other; and history has never stood still.
S: A settled, civilised life began only when agriculture was discovered.
S6: During the last few years change has been even more rapid than usual.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    QSPR
  2.    QSRP
  3.    RSQP
  4.    SPRQ
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Answer: Option B. -> QSRP
Question 137. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: The city is almost a slum and stinks most of the time.
P: The slush on the road did not deter them.
Q: The occasional slips and falls were considered a small price to pay for the trip.
R: They were excited, fascinated by the sight of fresh snow on the road.
S: Even so, it looked beautiful to tourists of various categories.
S6: But some visitors came away with the unforgettable sight of young labourers scantily clad.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    QPRS
  2.    RQPS
  3.    RSQP
  4.    SPQR
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Answer: Option D. -> SPQR
Question 138. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: When a body grows into a young man, he finds himself in a new and strange world.
P: The relationship remains but its nature changes.
Q: The emotional ties that he had with them are now loosened.
R: The old pattern of his life in which his parents were the nucleus around which his life revolved now undergoes a change.
S: He finds in himself an emotional void which he must somehow fill.
S6: At this stage of his life he is like a body without a soul, an eye without light or a flower without fragrance.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    PRQS
  2.    RQPS
  3.    RSQP
  4.    SRPQ
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Answer: Option B. -> RQPS
Question 139. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: Ingratitude stings strongest where relationship is closest.
P: Expectation turns innocent relationship into commerce.
Q: Human relationship is adulterated with sly commerce.
R: In commerce, of course, give and take is understood.
S: Most relationships are founded on mutual expectations.
S6: From any warm and healthy human relationship expectation of returns has to be weeded out.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    PQRS
  2.    QSPR
  3.    RPSQ
  4.    SRQP
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Answer: Option C. -> RPSQ
Question 140. In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order.
S1: If you want to do well in your examinations you need to be able to think for yourself which means not just following the guide-books but write what you think yourself.
P: That will not help much.
Q: Few if any students do this.
R: By discussing things with other students, with your teachers, and with any intelligent people you meet you will find you can pick up a lot of new ideas but it is not good first accepting these ideas, swallowing them undigested and then repeating them in the examination.
S: At first you will find it difficult but if you go on trying you will find clear independent thought becomes easier.
S6: If however you turn these ideas over in our mind accepting those which you agree with and fitting them into your stock of knowledge and rejecting the others you may get somewhere.
The Proper sequence should be:
  1.    PSQR
  2.    QSRP
  3.    RSQP
  4.    SRQP
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Answer: Option B. -> QSRP

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