Sail E0 Webinar

7th Grade > Biology


Total Questions : 115 | Page 11 of 12 pages
Question 101.

What is the function of bile duct?  [1 MARK]

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Answer: Option A. ->

The bile duct allows passage of bile juices from the liver and the gall bladder to the duodenum.

Question 102.

What is the use of saliva? Where is it produced? [2 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->
Use: 1 Mark
Location: 1 Mark
Saliva helps in breaking down complex components like starch into simple sugars. It brings about partial digestion of starch. This makes it easier for the body to digest the food.
Saliva also helps in lubrication of food.
Saliva is secreted by the salivary glands which are present in the buccal cavity.
Question 103.

What is the full form of ORS? What is it used for? [2 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->

Full form: 1 Mark
Use: 1 Mark
The full form of ORS is Oral Rehydration Solution.
This solution is used to prevent or treat dehydration
as a part of oral rehydration therapy(ORT).

Question 104.

How is the dentition of a ruminant different from that of a human? [3 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->
Differences: 1 Mark each
The dentition of ruminants or grass-eating animals is different from humans in the following ways: 
1. Incisors are absent on the upper jaw of ruminants, while humans have incisors. 
2. Ruminants do not have canines, while humans have canines in both the jaws.
3. Ruminant molars are much stronger than human molars as these animals chew the cud.
Question 105.

Write a short note on the stomach. [3 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->
Structure: 1 Mark
Location: 1 Mark
Function: 1 Mark
Stomach is a muscular J shaped thick walled bag. It receives food from the oesophagus and opens into the small intestine. It is the widest part of the alimentary canal. It churns the food to mix the digestive juices. Mainly protein is digested in the stomach. It also secretes HCl that kills microbes and activates the enzymes.
Question 106.

Name any two types of teeth. What is the use of teeth? [2 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->
Types: 1 Mark
Use: 1 Mark
Types of teeth: 
(Any two)
1. Incisors
2. Canines
3. Premolars
4. Molars
Teeth help in mastication. Mastication is when food is broken into small pieces by biting, grinding and crushing with the teeth while being mixed with saliva. This is done so that digestion becomes easier.
Question 107.

What are ruminants? Give examples. [2 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->
Definition: 1 Mark
Examples: 1 Mark
Ruminants are hoof-legged grass-eating animals that stand on four limbs. They quickly swallow their leafy food and store it in the rumen. Later, the food returns to the mouth and the animal chews on it.
Ruminants include cows, buffaloes, sheep, giraffe, camel, deer, etc.
Question 108.

Name the parts of the alimentary canal. [3 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->
Each part: 0.5 Mark
The alimentary canal can be divided into various compartments:- 
1. Buccal cavity (Mouth)
2. Oesophagus
3. Stomach
4. Small intestine
5. Large intestine
6. Anus
Question 109.

Write a short note on mechanical digestion and chemical digestion. Name the location where both the types take place. [3 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->

Digestion: 1 Mark each
Location: 0.5 Mark each
Mechanical digestion: It involves mastication (chewing, mashing, and breaking) of food into smaller pieces. It happens in the mouth, where teeth cuts and grinds the food. Saliva helps in bolus formation.
Chemical digestion: It involves changing food into smaller particles through the action of enzymes. It involves the breakdown of the larger molecules by hydrolysis. Chemical digestion happens throughout the digestive system starting from the action of saliva in mouth.

Question 110.

Write a short note on large intestine.  [3 MARKS]

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Answer: Option A. ->
Each point: 1 Mark
1. The digested food enters the large intestine after the small intestine.
2. It is wider and shorter than the small intestine. It is 1.5 meters long.
3. Excess water, minerals, and vitamins are absorbed here. Semi-solid undigested food is thrown out from rectum through the anus.

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