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Total Questions : 133 | Page 11 of 14 pages
Question 101. Which of the following is normally done to convert the sample into the gaseous state?
  1.    Sample is pressurized
  2.    Chemical reactions are made to occur
  3.    Sample is heated
  4.    Sample is cooled
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Sample is heated
Answer: (c).Sample is heated
Question 102. Inlet system is also known as which of the following?
  1.    Initial system
  2.    Sample reservoir
  3.    Sample handling system
  4.    Element injection system
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Sample handling system
Answer: (c).Sample handling system
Question 103. Which of the following is not a component of mass spectrometer?
  1.    Inlet system
  2.    Sweep generator
  3.    Ion transducer
  4.    Mass analyser
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Sweep generator
Answer: (b).Sweep generator
Question 104. In magnetic deflection mass spectrometer, in which of the following ways is acceleration applied to the direction of motion?
  1.    In random manner
  2.    Parallel to it
  3.    Perpendicular to it
  4.    Along it
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Perpendicular to it
Answer: (c).Perpendicular to it
Question 105. Which of the following separate the ions according to their mass-to-charge?
  1.    Ion source
  2.    Detector
  3.    Magnetic sector
  4.    Electric sector
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Magnetic sector
Answer: (c).Magnetic sector
Question 106. Which of the following leads to the limitation of resolution?
  1.    All ions do not have same energy
  2.    All ions do not have same charge
  3.    All ions are not of the same size
  4.    All ions do not have the same charge
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> All ions do not have same energy
Answer: (a).All ions do not have same energy
Question 107. Direct focussing is obtained by deflecting the ion beam along a _________ trajectory through the magnetic field.
  1.    120°
  2.    150°
  3.    190°
  4.    180°
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> 180°
Answer: (d).180°
Question 108. Mattauch-Herzog geometry involves a deflection of which of the following radians in a radial electrostatic field analyser?
  1.    √2Π
  2.    Π/2
  3.    Π/3√4
  4.    Π/4√2
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Π/4√2
Answer: (d).Π/4√2
Question 109. Photographic plates are coated with which of the following?
  1.    Lead
  2.    Quartz
  3.    Silver bromide
  4.    Mercuric sulphate
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Silver bromide
Answer: (c).Silver bromide
Question 110. Which of the following are not the characteristics of an electron multiplier transducer?
  1.    Rugged
  2.    Reliable
  3.    Microsecond of response time required
  4.    High current gain
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Microsecond of response time required
Answer: (c).Microsecond of response time required

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