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Total Questions : 302 | Page 21 of 31 pages
Question 201. The analysis of data from variety of sources such as media spending data and retailer scanner data are called as
  1.    marketing-mix modeling
  2.    customer-mix modeling
  3.    data-mix modeling
  4.    market oriented research
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> marketing-mix modeling
Answer: (a).marketing-mix modeling
Question 202. The companies which collect trade and consumer information are classified as
  1.    indicated service firms
  2.    syndicated research firms
  3.    research firms
  4.    special marketing firms
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> syndicated research firms
Answer: (b).syndicated research firms
Question 203. In marketing, the 'resource adequacy' is the best classified as
  1.    internal marketing metrics
  2.    perceived metrics
  3.    quality metrics
  4.    loyalty metrics
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> internal marketing metrics
Answer: (a).internal marketing metrics
Question 204. A company can create differentiation for its product with the help of
  1.    channel differentiation
  2.    image differentiation
  3.    employee differentiation
  4.    all of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> all of the above
Answer: (d).all of the above
Question 205. The brand association which can be made with the personal relevance is classified as
  1.    differentiability
  2.    feasibility
  3.    desirability
  4.    deliverability
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> desirability
Answer: (c).desirability
Question 206. In brand mantra, the process of defining the category and setting the brand boundaries is classified in the dimension of
  1.    communication
  2.    inspiration
  3.    simplifying
  4.    straddling
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> communication
Answer: (a).communication
Question 207. A company's ability to perform in more than one way, but competitor's cannot match is classified as
  1.    comparative advantage
  2.    competitive advantage
  3.    announcing advantage
  4.    relying advantage
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> competitive advantage
Answer: (b).competitive advantage
Question 208. The brand attributes associations that are not unique but similar to some other brands are classified as
  1.    points of disparity
  2.    points of parity
  3.    points of difference
  4.    similar attributes
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> points of parity
Answer: (b).points of parity
Question 209. When the companies have effective and efficient distribution channels, this differentiation is classified as
  1.    effective differentiation
  2.    channel differentiation
  3.    efficient differentiation
  4.    working differentiation
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> channel differentiation
Answer: (b).channel differentiation
Question 210. A company which satisfies the needs of customers with same products are considered as
  1.    competitor's
  2.    industry
  3.    Corporation
  4.    organization
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> competitor's
Answer: (a).competitor's

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