Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 1156 | Page 114 of 116 pages
Question 1131. 6. If the designed speed on a circular curve of radius 1400 m is 80 km/hour, no superelevation is provided, if the camber, is
  1.    4%
  2.    3%
  3.    2%
  4.    1.7%.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 2%
Question 1132. 9.  The safe length L of a valley curve for night travel is
  1.    1.50 + 0.035S
  2.    0 + 0.035S
  3.    neither (a) nor (b)
  4.    both (a) and (c).
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> both (a) and (c).
Question 1133. 7.  If N is deviation angle, the length L of a parabolic vertical curve for safe stopping distance S, is
  1.    NS2 if L > S
  2.    25 ? ?N tf L < S
  3.    VS2 if L < S
  4.    25 if L > S
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> 25 if L > S
Question 1134. 1.  In case of a hair pin bend of a highway,
  1.    minimum radius of inner curve is 14 m
  2.    minimum radius of transition is 15 m
  3.    circular compound curve may be provided
  4.    All the above.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> All the above.
Question 1135. 0.  While designing hair pin bends on higways, the minimum
  1.    designed speed is 20 k/hr (b) gradient is 1 in 40
  2.    (c) gradient is 1 in 200
  3.    superelevations is 1 in 10
  4.    All the above.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> All the above.
Question 1136. 3.  Pick up the correct statement from the following :
  1.    During reconnaissance, the general route of the alignment is selected
  2.    After reconnaissance, a trace is cut for the alignment
  3.    Last stage is the detailed surveys for desired geometries of the highway
  4.    All the above.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> All the above.
Question 1137. 2. When a number of hair pin bends are introduced, a minimum intervening distance in between is kept
  1.    20 m
  2.    40 m
  3.    60 m
  4.    100 m.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 60 m
Question 1138. 5.  The safestopping sight distance D, may be computed from the equation
  1.    D = 0.278 Vt + 254f
  2.    D = 0.254 Vt + -
  3.    - D= 0.254 Vt +225f
  4.    D ? 0.225 Vt +254f
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> D = 0.278 Vt + 254f
Question 1139. 4.  Reference pillars fixed on the centre line of a proposed road, provide the following infra
  1.    reduced distance (R.D.)
  2.    horizontal distance of road from the centre line
  3.    reduced level at the top of pillar
  4.    all the above.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> all the above.
Question 1140. 6.  A district road with a bituminous pavement has a horizontal curve of 1000 m for a design speed of 75 km ph, The super-elevation is
  1.    1 in 40
  2.    1 in 50
  3.    1 in 60
  4.    1 in 70
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 1 in 40

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