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6th Grade > Biology


Total Questions : 100 | Page 4 of 10 pages
Question 31. Rice, vegetables, spices and water are few substances used in the prepration of veg biriyani. These substances are called ____.
  1.    identifiers
  2.    ingredients
  3.    nutrients
  4.    components
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Answer: Option B. -> ingredients
Raw materials used in the prepration of different food items are called ingeredients. For example, to cook rice we need rice and water and to make veg biriyani we need rice, vegetables, spices, and water as ingredients.
Question 32. Which part of pumpkin is this?
Which Part Of Pumpkin Is This?
  1.     Fruits
  2.    Seeds
  3.    Flowers
  4.    Stem
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Answer: Option A. ->  Fruits
This is the fruit of pumpkin. The ovary of flowers of pumpkin after fertilization, turns into a fruit. This is usually used as a food item.
Question 33. What does the following picture indicate?What Does The Following Picture Indicate?
  1.    Dead seeds
  2.    Decomposition of seeds
  3.    Sprouted seeds
  4.    Drying of seeds
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Answer: Option C. -> Sprouted seeds
The image shows germinated gram seeds that have been soaked overnight in water. Small white structures growing out of them are called sprouts.
Question 34. Which of the following is not an animal product?
  1.    Soy milk
  2.    Meat
  3.    Butter
  4.    Paneer
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Answer: Option A. -> Soy milk
Soy milk is a plant based productproduced by soaking and grinding soybeans. Butter and paneer are dairy or milk products. So, are animal-based products. Meat is also obtained from animals.
Question 35. What is the source for food items such as grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits?
  1.    Animals
  2.    Microbes
  3.    Plants
  4.    Fungi
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Answer: Option C. -> Plants
Grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits are food products obtained from plants. Food products like milk, eggs and meatare obtained from animals.
Question 36. Which among the following is a mismatched pair of plant and its edible part?
  1.    Potato - stem
  2.    Spinach - leaf
  3.    Carrot - root
  4.    Sweet potato - stem
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Answer: Option D. -> Sweet potato - stem
The potato that we consume is a modified underground stem of the plant. The edible part hence is a stem. But in sweet potatoes, the roots are modified to store food in the form of starch and are edible. Therefore, the edible part of sweet potato are roots.
Question 37. Which of the following is an edible root?
  1.    Potato
  2.    Carrot
  3.    Pumpkin
  4.    Wheat
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Answer: Option B. -> Carrot
In carrot plants, the edible part is a modified root. These modified roots store food in the form of starch. Similarly, potatoes are modified stems which are suitable to eat. The edible part of a pumpkin is the fruit, and that of wheat is the seed.
Question 38. Analyse the following food items and identify the common ingredient present in them.
Idli, dosa, biriyani, pulav.
  1.    Vegetables
  2.    Rice
  3.    Wheat
  4.    Curd
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Answer: Option B. -> Rice
Idli, dosa, biriyani and pulav are food items made of rice. Idli and dosa also requires lentils in addition. Wheat is the main ingredient in making roti, bread, biscuits etc.
Question 39. Where do bees live?
  1.     Hive
  2.    Nest
  3.    Shed
  4.    Den
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Answer: Option A. ->  Hive
Bees live together and raise their young ones instructures called beehives.These are usually either dome-shaped or box-shaped.
Question 40. Which of the following is the source of rice?
  1.     Plants  
  2.    Animals
  3.    Dead matter
  4.    Insects
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Answer: Option A. ->  Plants  
Rice is a food grain. It is obtained from the paddy plant. So, it is a plant product.

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