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English > Fill In The Blanks


Fill In The Blanks Single Fillers, Fill In The Blanks Double Fillers, Fill In The Blanks Multiple Fillers

Total Questions : 1455 | Page 5 of 146 pages
Question 41. The phenomenal growth of this chain of stores ________ globalisation and was a glitzy part of it. (1) augmented (2) spurned (3) repudiated (4) threatened (5) supported (6) signaled
  1.    (1) and (3)
  2.    (2) and (4)
  3.    (4) and (6)
  4.    (3) and (5)
  5.    (2) and (5)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> (4) and (6)
Answer: (c)
Question 42. The gift of nature has to be ________ distributed among human beings. (1) equitably (2) susceptibly (3) surprisingly (4) judiciously (5) improperly (6) impartially
  1.    (1) and (6)
  2.    (2) and (5)
  3.    (3) and (4)
  4.    (1) and (3)
  5.    (2) and (4)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> (1) and (6)
Answer: (a)
Question 43. The film succeeded in spite of a ________ plot. (1) fictitious (2) weak (3) cognate (4) fretful (5) officious (6) reckless
  1.    (1) and (2)
  2.    (2) and (3)
  3.    (3) and (4)
  4.    (4) and (5)
  5.    (5) and (6)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> (1) and (2)
Answer: (a)
Question 44. Mr Kamat would probably not ________ a coup while Mr Rahmat remains in office. (1) countenance (2) cloak (3) support (4) envy (5) gamble (6) instigate
  1.    (2) and (4)
  2.    (1) and (2)
  3.    (1) and (3)
  4.    (4) and (5)
  5.    (5) and (6)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> (1) and (3)
Answer: (c)
Question 45. The student leader ended his speech singing ________ about the initiative adopted by the new principal. (1) diligent (2) punctilious (3) ignoramus (4) paeans (5) anathema (6) accolades
  1.    (2) and (4)
  2.    (4) and (6)
  3.    (1) and (3)
  4.    (2) and (5)
  5.    (3) and (4)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> (4) and (6)
Answer: (b)
Question 46. I have decided to ________ smoking. (1) renounce (2) delineate (3) relinquish (4) discontinue (5) delude (6) usurp
  1.    (1) and (3)
  2.    (2) and (5)
  3.    (3) and (5)
  4.    (4) and (6)
  5.    (1) and (2)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> (1) and (3)
Answer: (a)
Question 47. His subtle discomfort in front of the camera reveals that he is a ________ in this field. (1) veteran (2) novice (3) snug (4) smug (5) tyro (6) snub
  1.    (1) and (4)
  2.    (2) and (5)
  3.    (3) and (6)
  4.    (4) and (6)
  5.    (3) and (4)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> (2) and (5)
Answer: (b)
Question 48. The shortcomings of the writer’s analysis are ________ by his clarity in explaining financial complexity and the sheer importance of this text. (1) demonstrated (2) alleviated (3) offset (4) magnified (5) lessened (6) pertinent
  1.    (1) and (6)
  2.    (2) and (6)
  3.    (1) and (4)
  4.    (2) and (5)
  5.    (3) and (6)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> (2) and (5)
Answer: (d)
Question 49. There are enough ________ in the law to raise serious doubts about its serving the intended purpose. (1) loopholes (2) amendments (3) ambiguities (4) openings (5) drawbacks (6) vagaries
  1.    (2) and (4)
  2.    (2) and (6)
  3.    (1) and (3)
  4.    (2) and (5)
  5.    (3) and (4)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> (1) and (3)
Answer: (c)
Question 50. Politicians often resort to ________ tactics to stay in power. (1) fair (2) evil (3) lascivious (4) extravagant (5) graceful (6) ornamental
  1.    (1) and (3)
  2.    (2) and (4)
  3.    (3) and (5)
  4.    (4) and (6)
  5.    (1) and (4)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> (2) and (4)
Answer: (b)

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