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General Knowledge > General Science


Hydrocarbons, Compounds Of Transitional Elements

Total Questions : 63 | Page 3 of 7 pages
Question 21. Which is a semiconductor?
  1.    graphite
  2.    diamond
  3.    fullerene
  4.    none of these
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Answer: Option C. -> fullerene
Question 22. When does incomplete combustion occur?
  1.    Lack of oxygen
  2.    Excess oxygen
  3.    Depends
  4.    Lack of fuel
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Answer: Option A. -> Lack of oxygen
Question 23. Which is extremely hard?
  1.    graphite
  2.    diamond
  3.    fullerene
  4.    none of these
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Answer: Option B. -> diamond
Question 24. Carbon dioxide is__________, odourless ,______________
  1.    colourless, slightly acidic gas
  2.    liquid
  3.    Both A & B
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option A. -> colourless, slightly acidic gas
Question 25. Which has a 2D hexagonal layered structure?
  1.    graphite
  2.    diamond
  3.    fullerene
  4.    all of these
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Answer: Option A. -> graphite
Question 26. Which is used in pencils ?
  1.    graphite
  2.    diamond
  3.    fullerene
  4.    none of these
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Answer: Option A. -> graphite
Question 27. Polymerization is used to produce all following product except for:
  1.    PVC
  2.    Polyethylene
  3.    Paper
  4.    Polystyrene
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Answer: Option C. -> Paper
Question 28. Prefix But is used when no
  1.    1
  2.    3
  3.    4
  4.    5
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Answer: Option C. -> 4
Question 29. Which property of carbon is important in the forming of many types of organic compounds
  1.    carbon has 6 electrons
  2.    carbon has 6 protons
  3.    carbon has 4 valence electrons
  4.    carbon can only bond with hydrogen
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Answer: Option C. -> carbon has 4 valence electrons
Question 30. Allotrope of carbon and their state are
  1.    Graphite,Hydrogen/Solid and Liquid
  2.    Diamond and Graphite/Amorphous and Liquid
  3.    Graphite and Diamond/Crysalline and Amorphous
  4.    Diamond and Graphite/Amorphous and Chlorised
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Answer: Option C. -> Graphite and Diamond/Crysalline and Amorphous

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