Sail E0 Webinar

General Knowledge > General Science


Total Questions : 30 | Page 2 of 3 pages
Question 11. The pH of vinegar is 2
  1.    strong acid
  2.    strong base
  3.    weak base
  4.    weak acid
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Answer: Option A. -> strong acid
Question 12. What tastes bitter
  1.    Acids
  2.    Bases
  3.    Salts
  4.    All
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Answer: Option B. -> Bases
Question 13. Ranging from 0 to 14, a pH value indicates how acidic or basic a solution is
  1.    2
  2.    6
  3.    9
  4.    13
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Answer: Option A. -> 2
Question 14. Litmus paper can tell you if a solution is acidic, neutral or basic by changing color when placed in a solution
  1.    purple
  2.    red
  3.    blue
  4.    pink
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Answer: Option C. -> blue
Question 15. Which type of ion does a base produce when it is dissolved in water?
  1.    oxide
  2.    oxygen
  3.    hydrogen
  4.    hydroxide
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Answer: Option D. -> hydroxide
Question 16. Which of these pH values would indicate that a solution is a weak base?
  1.    4
  2.    5.6
  3.    8
  4.    13
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Answer: Option C. -> 8
Question 17. What is the pH of a neutral substance?
  1.    0
  2.    5
  3.    7
  4.    10
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Answer: Option C. -> 7
Question 18. Any substance that produces hydroxide ions in water is known as _____________
  1.    an acid
  2.    a hydrogen ion
  3.    a base
  4.    a neutral
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Answer: Option C. -> a base
Question 19. What is a titration?
  1.    when the moles of hydrogen ions is equal to the moles of hydroxide ions
  2.    adding a known amount of solution of known concentration to determine the concentration of an unknown
  3.    reaction in which an acid and a base react in an aqueous solution to produce a salt and water
  4.    the extent of ionization of an acid or base
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Answer: Option B. -> adding a known amount of solution of known concentration to determine the concentration of an unknown
Question 20. What is the pH of water?
  1.    0
  2.    4
  3.    7
  4.    14
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Answer: Option C. -> 7

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