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We have marks of different students in three different tables below. Which one of the following is the easiest to analyse?
A)StudentMarks scored (Out of 100)A77B65C93D42E88
B)StudentMarks scored (Out of 100)E88D42C93B65A77
C)StudentMarks scored (Out of 100)D42B65A77E88C93
A .  A
B .  B
C .  C
D .  Both A & B
Answer: Option C
The data in table C is organised.
It is organised in ascending order.
We can easily answer the questions asked from the data in table C as compared to other data sets.
Also, when the number of students is more, it's almost impossible to analyse the data if it is not organised.
If we store it in alphabetical order, it is hard to determine who scored the least marks or who scored the highest marks.
So A is not always the best way to organise for easy analysis.

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