Sail E0 Webinar
The core of the Chinese economic policy is to create jobs at _____________ cost, as long as basic raw material costs are covered. The banks, _____________, are funded by the People’s Bank of China, which prints currency notes to _____________ that this cycle continues as it brings in the dollars, generates jobs and ensures that China can continue its breakneck speed of economic growth. The same holds for infrastructure. The banks _____________ tons of companies who build ghost cities, highways to nowhere and buildings that no one occupies because the investment growth remains high and no one looks at economic returns.
A .  all - on the other issue - ensure - fund
B .  all - on the other issue - ensure - fund
C .  any - on the other hand – make sure of – funding
D .  any - on the other hand - ensure - fund
E .  any - on the other hand - make sure of – funding
Answer: Option D
Answer: (d)

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