Sail E0 Webinar

Find out the error part of the following sentences:
The old man in the crowd (1)/ warned Julius Caeser (2)/ from the danger of death (3)/ on certain day. (4)/ No error

A .  1 tick.pngcross.png
B .  2tick.pngcross.png
C .  3tick.pngcross.png
D .  4tick.pngcross.png
E .  No errortick.pngcross.png
Answer: Option D

 -  on a certain day

The error is in part 4 of the sentence. The correct sentence is:

"The old man in the crowd warned Julius Caesar of the danger of death on a certain day."

Let's understand why part 4 of the sentence is incorrect:

The preposition "on" is used to refer to a specific day or date. However, in this context, the old man is warning Julius Caesar about the possibility of danger on a particular day, not a specific one. Therefore, the article "a" should be used instead of "the" to indicate that it's a certain day but not a specific one.

Here is the corrected sentence:

"The old man in the crowd warned Julius Caesar of the danger of death on a certain day."

Let's understand the meaning of the other parts of the sentence:

  • "The old man in the crowd" - This phrase describes the person who warned Julius Caesar. He is an old man, and he is among the crowd of people.
  • "warned Julius Caesar" - This phrase describes the action that the old man took. He warned Julius Caesar of the danger of death.
  • "of the danger of death" - This phrase describes what the old man warned Julius Caesar about. The danger of death is a serious matter, and the old man wanted to make sure that Julius Caesar was aware of it.
  • "on a certain day" - This phrase describes when the danger of death could occur. The old man did not specify a specific day, but he warned Julius Caesar to be careful on a certain day.

Therefore, the correct sentence is: "The old man in the crowd warned Julius Caesar of the danger of death on a certain day."

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