Sail E0 Webinar
Compared to other group 16 elements, the anomalous behavior of Oxygen is due to:
A .  Small atomic size
B .  High electronegativity
C .  Both (A) and (B)
D .  None of these
Answer: Option C
Among the Chalcogens, Oxygen shows considerable anomalies. For instance, Oxygen exists as a diatomic gas while the other chalcogens are all solids at room temperature and 1atm pressure. Further, oxygen forms strong and stablepπpπdouble bonds (as in the case of O2 molecule) whereas the other elements tend not to. Also, the Oxygen - Oxygen single bond is weaker compared to the Element - Element single bonds of other chalcogens.
All this can be attributedto the small atomic size and high electro negativity of Oxygen.

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