Sail E0 Webinar
Access to the right infrastructure, both digital and physical, _____________ an issue for most SMEs, particularly traders and retailers. We see that large ecommerce companies now provide warehousing facilities for retailers to store and catalogue their inventory, even extending in-house logistics teams or third-party logistics support. This has also created _____________ for cataloguing startups that help sellers list their products online and manage inventory _____________ marketplaces. It’s not enough to go e-tail, sellers have realised, without going digital. Today _____________ before, they all transact online. This creates a much easier and transparent digital ecosystem in which to operate.
A .  had been - opportunity - across - unlike
B .  had been - opportunity - across – unlike
C .  has always been - opportunities - through - like
D .  has always been - opportunities - through – like
E .  has always been - opportunities - across - unlike
Answer: Option E
Answer: (e)

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