Sail E0 Webinar
A triangle with two obtuse angles is possible.
A .  True
B .  False
C .  60∘
D .  120∘
Answer: Option B
The sum of all the three angles of a triangle is 180.
We know that obtuse angle is an angle which is greater than 90 and lessthan 180
Hence a triangle cannot have two obtuse angles.
The sum of 2 obtuse angles will be greater than (90 + 90), i.e. greater than 180.
Since the sum of 2 angles of the triangle is more than 180, the sum of three angles will be more than 180 for sure.
This is not possible as the sum of 3 angles of a triangle is fixed i.e. 180 and cannot exceed this limit.
Thus, a triangle cannot have 2 obtuse angles.

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